(in)tangible being
Arduino nano, fake hair, buttons, conductive thread, speakers, computer monitor, Leap Motion controller, silicone objects, wires, flex sensor, you (webcam)
Touch, a crucial yet often overlooked sense, binds us to each other and helps us understand reality. (in)tangible being is an installation exploring self-conception and the blurred lines between physical and digital realms which have been blurred by our mundane encounters with digital devices. Traditional portraiture involves distinct roles for artist, subject, and viewer, but data portraits challenge this, creating new meanings and questioning who the true creator is. This work examines the intersection of human and machine, emphasizing the material origins of digital media, such as minerals from the earth and silicone used in both surgical implants and computer chips.
As audiences interact with the installation, they encounter various visual contents on the screen, allowing for exploration and play. The use of glitch and distortion removes them from reality, translating the physical self into a mirrored, intangible being. Digital media enables manipulation of our extended body, offering freedom from physical constraints and the possibility of multiple selves or new personas. With the emergence of Al, computers can mimic human behaviors, raising questions about digital media's entity, desire, and intention.
The project uses custom touch interfaces, providing a more intimate interaction than typical touchscreens and mouse clicks. The tactile feedback of silicone touch interfaces, which manipulate visuals on screen, unites the artist and tool at the point of contact with exposed wiring. This interaction asks the audience to decide where the line exists between the corporeal human body and the digital self, and whether this distinction is truthful.
Building tools: TouchDesigner, Arduino IDE, Ableton

(in)tangible being Interaction Video

(in)tangible being Guide Video

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